In Short:
- Ensure you arrive 15 minutes prior to your test.
- Make sure you have your Photo ID and that it meets the stated requirements.
- Conduct yourself in a professional manner whilst at the centre.
In Detail:
Timekeeping, Arrival time
It is the candidate's responsibility to ensure that they arrive at the Test Centre 15 minutes before the test start time. Construction Cards Booking Service will accept no responsibility for candidates who arrive late or fail to arrive due to adverse weather conditions, failure of transport or any other circumstance. If you do not arrive on time you will not be allowed to take the test and will need to make a new appointment.
Health and Safety, COVID-19 Precautions
Please do not attend your appointment if you have been diagnosed with COVID-19 or are showing symptoms such as fever, chills, a cough, sore throat or shortness of breath.
You can choose to wear a face mask if you require.
Steps taken at the Pearson Vue Test centres
• Hand sanitiser will be available in the waiting area and prior to entering the testing room
• Cleaning and disinfecting regimens in between all testing appointments has been increased
• We will remind candidates to wash their hands or utilize hand sanitiser upon arrival at the test centre
Identification Requirements
Identification Requirements
Candidates are required to bring one form of identification listed below bearing a photograph and signature.
• A valid passport of any nationality with a photograph of the candidate and their signature - must be in date
• A valid UK only driving licence with a photograph of the candidate and the candidate's signature - must be in
• Biometric Residence Permit (BRP) or Biometric Residence Card (BRC)
If a candidate does not have one of these, they will need two items of valid ID, one from list A and one from list B
List A
• Non-UK/Non-EU Photocard Driving Licence
• Passport without signature
• European National Identity Card
• Citizen Card or other proof of age card showing the PASS hologram
• Young Scot Card showing the PASS hologram
• CSCS card or CSCS Partner card showing the CSCS Logo (Hologram)
• UK Armed Forces ID card
• UK Armed Forces Veteran ID Card
• UK Home Office Travel Document
List B
• Debit Card
• Credit Card
• UK Paper Driving Licence (issued before 31 March 2000)
Photocopies of ID will not be accepted. If you are unable to provide suitable identification you will need to complete an
identification waiver form. Please e-mail ASAP if you require this form.
Photocopies of ID will not be accepted. If you are unable to provide suitable identification you will need to complete an
identification waiver form. Please e-mail ASAP if you require this form. candidates who fail to be able to supply valid ID at their test appointment will be turned away and will lose their test fee.
Conduct while at the test centre
The candidate may not bring anybody into the test room with them. Candidates are reminded that the test centre is
not set up to accommodate or store large personal items including but not limited to luggage, work tools or bulky
In addition, test centres cannot securely store candidates bicycles (or other modes of transportation) and these must
be stored outside the premises at the candidate's own risk. Any items you are carrying (including personal items such as keys, phones, bags, watches and wallets) must be stored in a personal locker provided at the Test Centre.
Please note that the candidate must not refer to any document during the test. All test centres have CCTV and all
tests are recorded for security and detection or investigation of fraud purposes. CCTV footage is retained securely by
the test provider for a period of up to two years. Any misconduct by the candidate during the test will result in the test
being stopped, the candidate's test result being void and the candidate's test fee being forfeited. Candidates
demonstrating serious misconduct, including cheating, may forfeit their right to take a further test. In addition, CITB
reserves the right to revoke a test pass if it reasonably suspects that the candidate has been involved in or is linked to
any misconduct, fraud or cheating.
The test centre staff will explain how the candidate can attract their attention if the candidate should experience any
technical difficulties during the test.